
Selling Partner Appstore

Developers can build and monetize professional, technical, and go-to-market software solutions for Amazon Selling Partners using Amazon Selling Partner APIs (SP-API)

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Man sitting at a computer with apps floating around his head
Woman swiping through apps on a phone

Offer your eCommerce software solution to Amazon Selling Partners

The Selling Partner Appstore is a one-stop shop where Professional Amazon Sellers can discover applications to help them automate, manage, and grow their businesses. Accessible from Seller Central, the Selling Partner Appstore features applications created by Amazon and third-party developers that cover a range of functionalities across the selling life cycle.






Mighty Paw case study video still
You have to be able to prioritize and look for shortcuts, and the apps in the [Selling Partner] Appstore make that all possible.
Corey SmithFounder, Mighty Paw

Selling Partner Appstore features

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Detail Page

Sellers can view ratings and reviews for each solution by visiting your dedicated listing detail page to help make informed buying decisions.
icon: headphone headset

Developer Support

Developers can access support specific to SP-API and the Selling Partner Appstore by creating a case for Developer Support.
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List your apps in the Amazon Selling Partner Appstore and get discovered by Amazon Selling Partners worldwide.
Icon: a hand holding a floating dollar sign


Sellers have the ability to search and filter in the Appstore to find solutions that work for the needs of their business.
icon: graph with arrow trending upward


Monitor your app usage metrics on the developer dashboard.
Icon: a star with lines coming off of it

Ratings and reviews

Sellers can leave ratings and reviews for an app in the Selling Partner Appstore using a link on the app's detail page. Ratings and reviews can help sellers decide if an app is right for them.

Explore Appstore categories

Product Listing

  • Product Research and Scouting
  • Listing
  • Automated Pricing

Inventory and Shipping

  • Inventory and Order Management
  • Shipping Solutions


  • Advertising Optimization
  • Promotions

Ecommerce management

  • Ecommerce Solution Connectors
  • Full Service Solutions


  • Analytics and Reporting
  • Accounting
  • Funding and Credit
  • Taxes
  • Disbursement Solutions

Customer engagement

  • Feedback and Reviews
  • Buyer-Seller Messaging
Wax & Wit video still
Using the Appstore allows us to make informed bets and smarter bets. By using some of these tools, we can really drill down on a granular basis. Or because we're so fast to market, we can design or architect a product for those specific opportunities.
Brian KelseyCo-Founder, Wax & Wit

List your solution in a few steps

Step 1

Register on Solution Provider Portal

Before you can list your app, you need to first register as a developer.

Learn how to register as a developer
Step 2

Build your application

Review the SP-API documentation and start building your public application.
Step 3

List your solution in the appstore

Once you've built your application, you can list your app in the Selling Partner Appstore by following the steps here.
Step 4

Grow your business

Attract Amazon Sellers and track engagement metrics in your developer dashboard.

Explore the appstore

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New to SP-API?

Create developer account


illustration of a person sitting a a computer desk

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to frequently asked questions about Amazon Selling Partner Appstore
Do apps integrate with Seller Central?
Some apps are stand-alone and others integrate directly with Seller Central, but all apps have access to the same data offered by Selling Partner APIs.
How does Amazon vet third-party apps?
Amazon reviews all software partners upon registration and listing, as well as continuously monitors performance to ensure apps are compliant with Amazon policies.
Who is eligible to leave a review on the Selling Partner Appstore?
Only verified users of an app and after using the app for some time may leave a review for that application.
Who is eligible for the Amazon Selling Partner Appstore and how do I sign up?
If your app is currently listed in the Appstore, you will be automatically enrolled in the Amazon Selling Partner Appstore as a Software Partner. For new Developers, you will be enrolled after your first Appstore listing is published and makes a call on behalf of a selling partner.
Can I opt-out of the program?
You will be automatically enrolled in the Amazon Selling Partner Appstore if you have an app listed in the Appstore that is authorized by and making calls on behalf of other Amazon Selling Partners, according to the terms of the Amazon Selling Partner API Developer Agreement. You can only opt out of the program by delisting your application from the Appstore.
How are ratings calculated?
Amazon calculates a product’s star ratings based on a machine learned model instead of a raw data average. The model takes into account factors including the age of a rating, whether the ratings are from verified purchasers and factors that establish reviewer trustworthiness.

Selling Partner Appstore

Over one million sellers worldwide use apps built with Selling Partner APIs to automate their businesses.

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