
Get support

Need help? Use this page to create a case with Developer Support and learn about the other resources available to developers.

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Developer support


For Vendors:

Vendor support

Support > Contact us > API Integration

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Learn about best practices for contacting Developer Support by reviewing guidelines and examples here
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Additional resources

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Visit the documentation site to dive right in and learn about Selling Partner API and all the things you can do with it.
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Release notes

Selling Partner API new features, bug fixes, and changelog.
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Stay up-to-date on the latest updates, announcements, releases and more from our team.
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Demos and tutorials

Subscribe to the SP-API Developer University YouTube channel to be notified when we upload new demos & tutorials.
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Code samples

Build with sample code designed to help you get started.
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Developer Forums

Join the community of developers already building with SP-API, view API models, schemas, and code samples.
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A list of SP-API terms and their definitions.
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Review answers to frequently asked questions about SP-API, migration, errors, and Vendor-specific questions.
© 2023, Services LLC.